This blog is meant to record down all the food that I have cooked, whether it's the new recipe taken from Internet or from friends. Whether the food cooked well or not, or how ugly does the final result would be, or how disastrous the taste is, I'm determined to put it here just to see how much things that I have cooked. And would be my reference in the future.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Singgang Ikan Mackerel
Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Api
Masak lemak bukan makanan kegemaran sy, lemak santan tu pon x bagus dimakan selalu tapi sesekali sy masakkan juga utk cik HB sbb dia suka.
Pizza Tuna
Friday, November 26, 2010
Peach Cheesecake
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Chinese-Style Steamed Fish
1 live fish (about 1.5 lb or less)
2 inches ginger (peeled and cut into thin strips)
1 stalk scallion (cut into 2-inch length, and then cut into thin silken threads)
Some cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon shaoxing wine or rice wine * I used rice vinegar
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 tablespoons shaoxing wine or rice wine* I used rice vinegar
2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon sesame oil
3 dashes white pepper powder
2 tablespoons rock sugar (grind into powder form) or to taste
Clean the fish properly (remove scales, guts, gills, etc.) and pat dry. Blend the soy sauce mixture in a small bowl and set aside.
Lay the fish on a plate and drizzle 1 tablespoon shaoxing (or rice) wine on top of the fish. Top the fish with 1/2 of the cut ginger strips.
Heat up a wok with enough water for steaming. Wait for the water to boil. As soon as it boils, place your fish inside the wok, propped up with a small inverted bowl or a couple of wooden blocks (meant for steaming). Cover your wok tightly and set your kitchen alarm for 8 minutes.
As soon as the fish is done steaming, transfer it out from the wok. Discard the fish water and ginger strips. Lay the remaining ginger strips on top of the fish.
Heat up a pan over high heat and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, swirl around until it’s hot. Pour the hot oil over the steamed fish. Put the pan back onto the stove, add the soy sauce mixture and stir well. As soon as the sauce bubbles up and boils, pour the soy sauce over the fish. Topped with scallions and cilantro leaves and serve the steamed fish immediately with white rice.
Sup Kepak Ayam
Devonshire Honey Cake with Vanilla Sauce
Bihun Siam
1 sudu besar tau chu
2 keping tauhu goreng (potong kecil)
1/2 sudu kecil gula
Lemon/limau nipis
2 biji telur rebus
sedikit daun sup dipotong halus
Bahan2 kisar halus :
2 biji cili masak
1 btg serai - ambil bahagian putih shj
1 lemon grass - white part only
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Cheesy Ribbon Pasta

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Udang Serai Wangi
Soto Ayam
1.5 kg rangka ayam, cuci bersih dan toskan
2 batang serai, dititik
1 inci lengkuas, dititik
1 pokok daun sup, kerat kasar2
1 genggam bawang goreng
Air secukupnya (anggaran 5 - 6 liter)
2 camca besar rempah sup "Adabi"
1 1/2 camca besar rempah kurma "Adabi"
1 biji bawang besar*
8 biji bawang merah*
5 ulas bawang putih*
1.5 inci halia*
4 biji buah keras*
1/4 inci kunyit hidup*
1 camca besar lada hitam biji*(*dikisar halus)
1 batang kayu manis
2 kuntum bunga lawang
4 biji buah pelaga
6 kuntum bunga cengkih
Nasi impit, didadu
Taugeh, buang ekor dan celur sekejap
Cili kicap
Soo hoon goreng
Kacang tanah goreng
Daging ayam yang dicarik halus
Hirisan daun sup
Hirisan daun bawang
Bawang goreng
- UNTUK KUAH SOTO :- Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam periuk, tumis bahan2 tumis hingga harum, masukkan serai, lengkuas dan bahan kisar halus, tumis hingga wangi. Rempah sup dan kurma, disatukan dan bancuh dgn sedikit air, kacau rata dan masukkan dalam peruk tadi, tumis hingga rempah sedikit garing. Masukkan rangka ayam, gaul rata dan biar kecut sekejap. Tuang air secukupnya, masukkan bawang goreng dan daun sup, kacau rata dan biar mendidih. Kecilkan api dan renih 1 - 2 jam, tambah gara, secukup rasa..
- UNTUK SOTO AYAM :- Isi nasi impit secukupnya dalam mangkuk, tuang kuah. Letak begedel, dan bahan2 lain. Nikmati soto dengan sambal kicap
Nasi Dagang & Gulai Ikan Mackerel
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Orange-Chocolate Muffin

- 300g (10oz) self-raising flour
- 1 level tsp baking powder
- 90g (3oz) caster sugar
- 100g bar of orange-flavoured chocolate, cut into chunks
- 200ml (7fl oz) milk
- 2 medium eggs
- Finely zested rind of 1 orange plus 4tbsp juice
- 4tbsp sunflower oil
- 12-hole muffin tin, lined with paper cases
- Methods
- Set the oven to 200°C (gas mark 6).
- Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl then stir in the sugar and chocolate.
- Lightly beat together the milk, eggs, orange zest and juice and sunflower oil. Stir the liquid into the dry ingredients, but take care not to over-mix or the muffins will be tough.
- Spoon the mixture into the paper cases. Bake in the centre of the oven for 15-20 mins. The muffins are cooked when they have risen and feel firm to the touch when lightly pressed in the centre. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool.
Beijing Beef Recipe

1lb steak (sliced into thin strips)
6 tablespoons cornstarch (for dusting)
oil (for frying)
1 egg
¼ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
4 tablespoons water
4 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons vinegar
¼ teaspoon crush chili pepper
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon garlic (minced)
1 medium red bell pepper (diced)
1 medium green bell pepper (diced)
1 medium white onion (sliced)
Step 2: While beef in marinating mix all of the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and refrigerate.
Step 3: When the beef is done marinating coat the beef slices with 6 tablespoons of cornstarch. Remove any access cornstarch and deep fry (either in a deep fryer or wok) beef slices in batches until floating or golden brown. Drain on paper towels.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sweet Spicy Chicken Wings
Rosenkohl (Brussels Sprout)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake Recipe:
1cup (100 grams)pecansorwalnuts - I used almond
3/4 pound (340 grams) raw carrots (about 2 1/2 cups finely grated)
2 cups (260 grams) all-purposeflour
1 teaspoonbaking soda
1 1/2 teaspoonsbaking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
4 largeeggs
1 1/2 cups (300 grams) granulated whitesugar
1 cup (240 ml) safflower, vegetable or canola oil(or other flavorless oil)
2 teaspoons purevanillaextract
Cream Cheese Frosting:
1/4 cup(57 grams) unsaltedbutter, room temperature
8 ounces (227 grams)cream cheese, room temperature
2cups (230 grams) confectioners (powdered or icing)sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon (4 grams) purevanillaextract
1 teaspoon finely gratedlemonzest (outer yellow skin)
Garnish: (Optional)
1 cup (100 grams) toasted and finely chopped walnuts or pecans - I used ground almond
Marzipan Carrots
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter or spray two - 9 x 2 inch (23 x 5 cm) cake pans and line the bottoms of the pans with a circle of parchment paper.
Toastthe pecans or walnuts for about 8 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant. Let cool and then chop coarsely.
Peel and finely grate the carrots. Set aside.
In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and ground cinnamon. Set aside.
In bowl of electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the eggs until frothy (about 1 minute). Gradually add the sugar and beat until the batter is thick and light colored (about 3 - 4 minutes). Add the oil in a steady stream and then beat in the vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat just until incorporated. With a large rubber spatulafoldin the grated carrots and chopped nuts. Evenly divide the batter between the two prepared pans and bake 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. After about 5 -10 minutes invert the cakes onto the wire rack, remove the pans and parchment paper, and then cool completely before frosting.
To assemble: place one cake layer, top side down, onto your serving plate. Spread with about one third of the frosting. Gently place the other cake, top of cake facing down, onto the frosting, and spread the rest of the frosting over the top and sides of the cake. If desired, press toasted and finely chopped nuts on the sides of the cake and decorate the top of the cake with marzipan carrots (see below). Cover and refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken Wrap with Hot Peri-peri Sauce
Domestics Tips: Cuci Microwave
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Baked Buttermilk Chicken
Buttermilk Scones
Ini adalah breakfast dipagi Ahad lepas. Dah lama dah sy dok belek2 resepi buttermilk scones ni dlm siri buku BBC - Good Food 101 Cakes & Bakes. I have to try buat the recipes in all these 3 books...dah beli, kena la guna kan?