Thursday, June 20, 2013

Foods Throughout the Week

Just want to share some foods I cooked throughout the week. Nothing fancy, just something simple I could make as a working mother. Time is very precious and I am trying to do multi task. 

Sup sayur campur dan asam pedas ikan tenggiri campur terung panjang. 

Certain days I am over rajin! Buat baked macaroni for the kids and masak nasi dan lauk2 jugak utk man of the house because he doesn't like pasta. Ada masak lemak udang dgn kacang pajang, telur dadar dan ikan pekasam. Bila ada ikan pekasam, selera makan menjadi2. Tapi yg tak bestnya bau rumah busuk sikit la lepas goreng ikan pekasam......

Ada satu pagi terlebih rajin served breakfast ala2 Western - ada honey-orange muffin (tapi x sedap sbb resepi asal x tambah gula, sgt la tawar bila hanya harapkan pada natural sweet from honey and orange). Then grilled blackpepper sausages, scrambled eggs and salads. Along with few type of spreads - butter, nutella, strawberry jam, peanut butter and cream cheese. 

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